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Bilal Hallab

167 posts

Digital enthusiast and strategist with over 18 years of experience in marketing, CX, comms, tech, and business development. Passionate about leadership, growth, and all things futurism -plus coffee ☕️

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The War of Art

Book Reviews

Resistance is sly—it turns mundane chores into excuses, steals your focus, and feeds hesitation. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield reveals this invisible adversary and provides tough-love insights to conquer it, whether you’re a student, a professional, or just feeling stuck.

The Courage to Lead


Vulnerability isn't weakness—it's strength. In leadership, it means building genuine connections, admitting when you need help, and growing alongside your team. Discover how embracing authenticity can transform leadership, cultivate trust, and inspire real, lasting change.

Always-on marketing promises constant visibility, but is it driving loyalty or consumer fatigue? Explore the pitfalls of this relentless strategy and discover why mindful, well-timed engagement could be the key to building lasting connections, not just adding to the noise.

We make grocery lists to feel in control, but once we're in the store, all bets are off. Gourmet chips, bakery smells, and impulse buys—it's all part of the journey. Life is a lot like that too. Plans are neat, but the best moments often come from coloring outside the lines.

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